Delta Resonator Cones, Delta R C

Delta Resonator Cones, Delta R C

Sounds from the Heart!


cover plate

cone and biscuit

big boss with biscuit

tricone set

Our PayPal Shopping Cart is TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE. We are very sorry for the inconvenience

Owing to a few customers who tried to pull a fast one, we have instructed PayPal not to accept any more orders until we can sort the problem out. You can still use the information below to price the item(s) you wish to purchase. Simply list the item(s) and their prices and send your order by email to the address below. We will email you by return with payment instructions.

Remember to include the applicable post and packing costs to your order.

If you are purchasing multiple items/sets or wish to purchase a biscuit on its own, please contact us first for post and packing prices:

Cover Plate


Full Resonator Kit


Single cones

Flavour and size

Biscuit (to suit single cones)


Tricones (set of 3)


Post and packing (including insurance) per item/set

post and packing